4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Electromagnetic interactions between charged spectators and participants in heavy-ion collisions

6 Aug 2024, 17:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: HEP-P-04
Poster High Energy Physics Poster Sessions (High Energy Physics)


Alicja Szostak (Politechnika Gdańska)


As a result of the collision between heavy ions moving with relativistic or ultra-relativistic velocities, the quark-gluon plasma is produced along with remnants (spectators) which are responsible for generating the electromagnetic field. After the collision, some particles are created in the quark-gluon plasma or a space around by virtual photons interactions. Using the Monte-Carlo method, a study was conducted regarding the influence of the electromagnetic field on charged leptons. The main focus concerned the flow parameters - directed and elliptic flow - indicators of anisotropy in particle distributions concerning the reaction plane.

The research concentrated on the emission of pions, muons and kaons from quark-gluon plasma caused by Pb+Pb collisions at an energy equal to 17.3 GeV, with impact parameter b=14 fm (peripheral collisions) and the comparison of results for positively and negatively charged particles. To make the analysis more comprehensive, the events were also studied for different energies (17.3 GeV, 50 GeV and 200 GeV), impact parameters (14 fm, 7 fm) and emission time (0.01 fm/c, 0.5 fm/c, 1.0 fm/c). The outcome of the theoretical study using Monte-Carlo simulation could be verified experimentally.

Primary author

Alicja Szostak (Politechnika Gdańska)


Ms Hanna Orłowska (Politechnika Gdańska) Prof. Katarzyna Mazurek (Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN w Krakowie)

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