4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

The Effects of Ultra-Light Axions on Cosmological Structure Formation

6 Aug 2024, 12:50
200 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology Student Lectures (Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology)


Kasra Haddadi


The details of cosmological structure formation has attracted a vast amount of interest from both theoretical and observational perspectives; Especially in recent years due to the computational advancements in simulation methods. The ΛCDM model has been realized as the standard cosmological scenario to date which attempts to explain the observations of our universe from small to large scales. However, it faces some inconsistencies interpreting small scale structures and the late time expansion of the cosmos, which has opened the door for new physical models. Ultra-light axion-like (ULAL) particles are proposed as a viable candidate for dark matter and it is of great interest to consider the ingredients induced by these particles on cosmological evolution and its structure formation. In this talk, I intend to review the standard cosmological perturbation theory used to model the growth and formation of structure of our universe, then investigate the new imprints of ULAL particles in this scenario. Next, I’m going to use a semi-analytical method to display the consistency of ULAL with ΛCDM in large scales, and introduce its new predictions for small scales and its deviation from the ΛCDM model.

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