4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

RAF - Analog Space Mission - The first analog space base on mining heaps

7 Aug 2024, 13:10
418 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk Interdisciplinary/Other Student Lectures (Interdisciplinary/Other)


Natalia Godlewska (Warsaw University, Faculty of Physics)


For ten days, a post-mining heap from the coal mine in Bytom was transformed into an analog space base. This place became a hub of scientific activity as young researchers from the Scientific Club of Geophysics at the University of Warsaw embarked on an innovative project to simulate Martian conditions. The mission, named RAF-Analog Space Mission, aimed to replicate space conditions, test behaviors and principles applicable in outer space, and conduct essential scientific research.

The mission team comprised three students: Natalia Godlewska, an astronomy student and co-leader of the project; Norbert Nieścior, a physics student; and Piotr Lorek, a student of biotechnology and medical chemistry. These "astronauts" spent ten days living and working in a specially designed analog space base on the heap. The mission's primary objective was to conduct various scientific studies, including geophysical, geological, psychological, and astrobiological research.

The central phase of the project involved setting up a mobile base composed of a camper (serving as the living quarters) and a delivery van (serving as the scientific laboratory), connected by an airlock. This setup, located on approximately 30 square meters, provided a controlled environment simulating Martian conditions. The participants followed strict protocols, leaving the base only in space suits to maintain the illusion of being on Mars.

Analog space bases are terrestrial simulations of space conditions—in this case, Martian conditions. Analog astronauts strive to live and operate under space-like rules and constraints. The base allowed the team to experience and adapt to the challenges of life on Mars.

Primary author

Natalia Godlewska (Warsaw University, Faculty of Physics)


Filip Kaczorowski (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) Mikołaj Zawadzki (Faculty of Physics, Univeristy of Warsaw) Norbert Nieścior (Uniwersytet Warszawski Wydział Fizyki) Piotr Lorek (Uniwersytet Warszawski) Łukasz Kruszewski (Instytut Nauk Geologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk)

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