4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Synchronization of Oscillators in a Fluid

5 Aug 2024, 12:10
219 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk Computational Methods for Physics Applications Student Lectures (Computational Methods for Physics Applications)


Francisco Silva (FCUL)


Rich nonlinear dynamics can emerge from hydrodynamic interactions between particles in a fluid. One problem of interest is synchronization in biological flows at the micrometer scale, such as the synchronization of bacterial flagella and the transport of organelles in living organisms by cilia. In this project, we will investigate how oscillating particles in a fluid synchronize due to hydrodynamic interactions. The lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) will be used to solve fluid dynamics and fluid-solid interaction. We will measure the characteristic time that oscillators take to synchronize as a function of system parameters such as distance, viscosity, and frequency and compare it with predictions from a simple effective model, the Kuramotto model.

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