4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

PLANCKS: From preliminaries to the competition

10 Aug 2024, 13:10
219 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk High Energy Physics Student Lectures (High Energy Physics)


Anthony Quinlan (Institute of Physics)


I have participated in two PLANCKS preliminaries and one international final, since then I have been honoured to have organised twice as many PLANCKS events as I participated in. As a member of the UK and Ireland's PLANCKS Advisory Board, my role is to provide guidance to each year's OC and take the lead in organising the exam paper.

In this talk, the audience can choose what area of the international theoretical physics I will cover in the session. The three choices are:

Running a PLANCKS preliminary
Developing the PLANCKS programme
Writing the PLANCKS exam paper.

Primary author

Anthony Quinlan (Institute of Physics)

Presentation materials

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