4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Towards quantum many-body physics with highly magnetic atoms of Dysprosium

9 Aug 2024, 18:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: QT-P-05
Poster Quantum Technology Poster Sessions (Quantum Technology)


Maurice Rieger


Ultracold quantum gases achieve exquisite platforms to explore few- and many-body phenomena with extreme control. Being the most magnetic element of the periodic table, dysprosium presents strong interatomic dipole-dipole interactions. Contrasting with the standard contact interactions, the dipolar interactions are long-range and anisotropic.
The relative strength between both types of interactions can be tuned via modification of the scattering length near Feshbach resonances. Within the last years, these properties led to exciting novel discoveries. Some of these arising exotic phenomena are supersolidity, topological ordering and the formation of droplets or droplet crystals.

This experiment aims in particular to a reduction of the dimensionality of the dysprosium quantum gas by restricting it to two dimensions. For this, an accordion lattice for tailorable quasi 2D traps and an objective setup to probe and perturb the atomic cloud with sub-micron resolution are currently being implemented.

The overall goal is to explore and understand not only which exotic phases form in quantum gases under the influence of dipolar interactions in lower dimensional space, but also: How these orders arise? What are the underlying phase transitions and how do the states evolve dynamically when crossing them? How do these states behave far from equilibrium? How do they equilibrate? And with particular interest: What is the role of the topological defects that the exotic states can host in the various aspects of these behaviors?

With the poster “Towards quantum many-body physics with highly magnetic atoms of Dysprosium” we give an overview over the current implementations into the experimental setup and a perspective regarding the exotic phases that are soon being experimentally investigated in lower dimensions.

Primary author

Prof. Lauriane Chomaz (Ruprecht-Karls-UniversitätHeidelberg)


Mr Christian Gölzhäuser (Ruprecht-Karls-UniversitätHeidelberg) Mr Jianshun Gao (Ruprecht-Karls-UniversitätHeidelberg) Mr Karthik Chandrashekara (Ruprecht-Karls-UniversitätHeidelberg) Ms Lea Neumann (Ruprecht-Karls-UniversitätHeidelberg) Maurice Rieger Dr Wyatt Kirkby (Ruprecht-Karls-UniversitätHeidelberg)

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