4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Test of homemade Solid-Phase Microextraction Fiber

9 Aug 2024, 17:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: ID-P-05
Poster Interdisciplinary/Other Poster Sessions (Interdisciplinary/Other)


Bogumiła Przybyła


Recently, a lot of research has been carried out on non-telecommunications applications of optical fibers. They are used as components of optoelectronic devices, optical components of integrated circuits, or laser technology. Exploitation of the light guiding properties of optical fiber can be used to prepare Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) fiber by making a coating of its parts with a layer of polymeric material. The paper will show the use of the optical fiber processing technique and the photopolymerization method to obtain polymer layers on tapered standard optical fibers. As the basis of the homemade SPME, fiber is a manufactured tapered optical fiber at one end. The process of optical fiber tapering involves stretching the fiber over a flame from a moving torch, in which a mixture of propane-butane-oxygen gases is burned. The experimental setup of the optical fiber tapering process is shown in Figure 1. The tapered fiber is cut into two equal parts. The fiber end prepared in this way is coated with a photopolymerizing mixture - the main component is the monomer TCDMA (tricyclo ( decanedimethanol diacrylate). The fiber is exposed in the environment of the analyte under study, and adsorption of the analyte occurs on the sorbent. The fiber is then transferred to a chromatograph, where the analytes are desorbed and identified. We would like to study the description of properties of the manufactured fibers on selected simulated volatile chemical warfare agents. The experiment shows how to make homemade SPME fibers, their adsorption and desorption properties, and checks their performance. The results of the experiment will be compared with commercial SPME fibers.

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