4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Study of the effects of multiple Coulomb scattering in a system of proportional chambers in an experiment on precision measurement of the proton radius in ep-scattering

9 Aug 2024, 18:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: NP-P-01
Poster Nuclear Physics Poster Sessions (Nuclear Physics)


Ms Polina Krivovyazenko (IUPAP)


Since the 2010 the Proton Radius Puzzle appeared and many groups all around the world are trying to solve it. There are two main ways to solve it - hydrogen spectroscopy and muonic hydrogen spectroscopy.
Scientists of Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics are constructing the new experimental setup to measure the proton radius via hydrogen spectroscopy. The experiment is called PRES and is already at the implementation stage.
Before the launch of the setup it is very important to calculate all the possible deviations in the theory and expected results. So as the proportional counters are used in the setup, which electrons are scatter through, all possible physical effects must be taken into account.
So, the purpose of the work was to study the effects of multiple Coulmb scattering of electron in the system of proportional chambers in elastic ep-scattering for PRES experiment. Software packages based on Monte-Carlo method were used. The GEANT4 software was used to make a model of the setup with the needed physical features and parameters. The resulting statistical data from the model was written and further explored with the help of ROOT program software.
As the result of this work the effects of multiple Coulomb scattering of electrons for PRES experiment are studied and possible deviation in experimental data is predicted.

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