4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Properties of doubly heavy spin 1/2 baryons

9 Aug 2024, 18:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: HEP-P-06
Poster High Energy Physics Poster Sessions (High Energy Physics)


Marzieh Shekari Tousi (University of Tehran)


We determine the masses and residues of the ground and excited spin 1/2 baryons consist of two heavy b or
c quark utilizing the QCD sum rule formalism. In the calculations, we consider the nonperturbative
operators up to ten mass dimensions in order to increase the accuracy compared to the previous calculations. We report the obtained results for both the symmetric and antisymmetric currents defining the doubly heavy baryons of the ground state (1S), first orbitally excited state (1P), and first radially excited state (2S). We compare our results with the predictions of other nonperturbative approaches as well as existing experimental data which is available only for the ground state of Ξcc channel. These predictions can help the experimental groups in their searches for all members of the doubly heavy baryons in their ground and exited states.

Primary author

Marzieh Shekari Tousi (University of Tehran)


Prof. Kazem Azizi (University of Tehran, Iran)

Presentation materials

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