4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Geophysical Investigations of Mining Waste Heaps in the RAF Project

9 Aug 2024, 18:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: ES-P-03
Poster Earth Sciences Poster Sessions (Earth Sciences)


Mr Norbert Nieścior (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)


The geophysical-geological component of the RAF (Radagost Astral Forge) analog space base project aimed to investigate anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field. Mining waste heaps presented particularly intriguing research subjects due to spontaneous combustion, which caused magnetic anomalies and the formation of new minerals. These heaps had been insufficiently studied thus far, and this project sought to enhance understanding of the occurrence of minerals that disrupt the magnetic field.

A magnetometer was used to measure the Earth's magnetic field in the locations of mining heaps. In our studies, the magnetometer needed to be placed on a special frame made of non-magnetic materials such as aluminum. Astronauts themselves were highly magnetic and therefore had to avoid direct contact with the magnetometer probe.

During our mission, we gathered rock samples to later examine their magnetic properties. Studies of these samples complemented field magnetometer measurements. The samples were analyzed using a rotational magnetometer, and the results were compared with the Earth's magnetic field values to identify the presence of minerals with ferromagnetic properties on the heaps.

Primary author

Mr Norbert Nieścior (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)


Mr Filip Kaczorowski (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) Prof. Konrad Kossacki (Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) Mr Mikołaj Zawadzki (Faculty of Physics, Univeristy of Warsaw) Mrs Natalia Godlewska (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) Mr Piotr Lorek (University of Warsaw) Prof. Łukasz Kruszewski (Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials