4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Mechanical Properties of GaN Nanowires

9 Aug 2024, 17:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: CMSSP-P-03
Poster Condensed Matter and Solid State Physics Poster Sessions (Condensed Matter and Solid State Physics)


Denis Kazydub (Technical University of Munich (TUM))


Gallium Nitride (GaN) nanowires have gained significant attention in recent years due to their remarkable mechanical properties and their potential applications in various fields. These nanowires, with diameters ranging from tens to hundreds of nanometers and lengths extending from a few nanometers to several micrometres, offer unique advantages in nanogenerators and optoelectronic devices.

One notable property of GaN nanowires is their piezoelectric behaviour. As piezoelectric materials, they can generate electric charges when subjected to mechanical deformation. What sets GaN nanowires apart is their ability to undergo large deformations, leading to the creation of substantial electric charges. This characteristic makes them promising candidates for piezoelectric nanogenerators, where mechanical energy can be converted into electrical energy.

In the context of nanogenerators, GaN nanowires have demonstrated exceptional performance. These nanowires exhibit a piezoelectric constant of several picometers per volt (pm/V), enabling them to generate voltages of up to 1.2V when subjected to mechanical stress or strain. Such voltage outputs hold tremendous potential for powering small-scale electronic devices and sensors.

Furthermore, our work focuses on studying GaN nanowires using Sagnac interferometry. Sagnac interferometry is a highly sensitive technique that allows for the precise measurement of physical quantities, such as the mechanical deformation or vibrations of nanowires. By employing this technique, we aim to explore and understand the mechanical properties of GaN nanowires in greater detail.

In summary, GaN nanowires present exciting opportunities in the realm of nanogenerators and optoelectronic devices. Their piezoelectric characteristics, coupled with their ability to undergo substantial deformations, enable the generation of significant electric charges. In our research, we utilize Sagnac interferometry as a tool to investigate the mechanical properties of GaN nanowires, ultimately advancing our understanding of these materials and their potential applications in various technological domains.

Primary authors

Denis Kazydub (Technical University of Munich (TUM)) Dr Olga Boyko-Kazymyrenko (Institute of Nanosciences of Paris)

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