4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

A Study of the Connection Between the Redshift Distribution of Long GRBs and the Star Formation Rate

9 Aug 2024, 18:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: AAC-P-03
Poster Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology Poster Sessions (Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology)


Ali Hasan (KAUST)


It has been more than 50 years since the discovery of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). Yet, there are many mysteries surrounding them. One of the biggest questions we have regarding GRBs is their origin. Many astronomers theorize that Long GRBs (those with duration T90 > 2s) come from core-collapse of massive stars while Short GRBs (those with duration T90 < 2s) come from mergers of compact objects. Hence, there should be a correlation between the occurrence rate of GRBs and the Star Formation Rate (SFR). In this study, several proposed models have been used to test this relation. Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out to fit the proposed models with the SFR. It was found that the SFR fits with the GRB distribution at high redshifts, but requires an evolution term at low redshifts.

Primary author

Ali Hasan (KAUST)


Dr Walid Azzam (University of Bahrain)

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