4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Implications of the memory effect on stochastic resonance

7 Aug 2024, 12:30
219 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk Computational Methods for Physics Applications Student Lectures (Computational Methods for Physics Applications)


Mariam Martiashvili


Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon in which a signal that is normally too weak to be detected by a sensor can be amplified by adding white noise that contains a wide range of frequencies. Frequencies in the white noise that match the frequencies of the original signal resonate with each other, amplifying the original signal while leaving the rest of the white noise unamplified. This increases the signal-to-noise ratio, making the original signal more visible. Stochastic resonance is often used in nonlinear, bistable systems. Our report discusses this very method, which we use to obtain energy. The model presented, namely the double potential well, describes the effect of noise on the system. Energy recovery is demonstrated through numerical experiments and modeling.

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