4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Geometric Formulation of Quantum Mechanics: Greening Quantum Gravity's Arid Spaces

10 Aug 2024, 12:10
219 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk High Energy Physics Student Lectures (High Energy Physics)


Mr Amirhossein Dadras (Research Assistant at IPM Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences)


Reconceptualizing quantum mechanics through the lens of symplectic manifolds, this research introduces a transformative geometric formulation that challenges and extends the traditional framework. At the core of this approach is the innovative use of differential geometry and symplectic topology, which are indispensable for our comprehensive quantum mechanical model.
Addressing pioneering work of geometric formulation of quantum mechanics by Ashtekar, the research transcends the conventional limitations such as those of the Killing vector notion. Following the establishment of a novel equivalence between Schrödinger's equation and Hamilton's equation using symplectic geometry, the transformation of the conventional Hilbert space into a Kähler manifold is a cornerstone of this research.
The study, conducted at the IPM Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, successfully resolves critical issues within the existing formalism, showcasing the new methodology's superior capabilities. Drawing inspiration from Ashtekar's foundational work, the research equips physicists with a novel toolset for tackling complex problems in quantum gravity and further in quantum cosmology. The implications of this research are profound, offering a novel perspective on the universe and demonstrating the power of symplectic manifolds as mathematical physical prospects to provide groundbreaking insights into the nature of quantum reality.

Primary authors

Mr Amirhossein Dadras (Research Assistant at IPM Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences) Dr Seyed Ebrahim Akrami (Researcher and Staff Member at IPM Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences)

Presentation materials