4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Maximal possible energies of electrons accelerated by the magnetic field of a rotating black hole

10 Aug 2024, 12:10
200 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology Student Lectures (Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology)


Nikoloz Nikuradze


Aims: To evaluate the maximal possible energies of electrons accelerated by the magnetic field of a rotating black hole. We investigate how the range of maximal possible energies and its main constraining factor depend on the mass of the black hole.
Methods: To model the acceleration of the electron on the magnetic field line we use bead-on-the-wire approximation and for the constraining mechanisms, we examine inverse Compton scattering, curvature radiation and bead-on-the-wire approximation breakdown. Results: For Stellar-mass black holes ($1-10^2 M_{\odot}$) high Lorentz factor electrons have Lorentz factors in range of $10^6-10^{8.5}$ with main constraining factors of curvature radiation and co-rotation and low Lorentz factor electrons have Lorentz factors in range of $10^2-10^{5}$, constrained by IC – Thomson regime. For Intermediate Mass Black Holes ($10^2-10^5 M_{\odot}$) high Lorentz factor electrons have Lorentz factors in range of $10^{7.5}-10^{11.5}$ with main constraining factors of curvature radiation and co-rotation and low Lorentz factor electrons have Lorentz factors in range of $1-10^{5}$, constrained by IC – Thomson regime. For Super Massive Black holes ($10^5-10^9 M_{\odot}$) high Lorentz factor electrons have Lorentz factors in range of $10^{10}-10^{15}$ with main constraining factors of curvature radiation and co-rotation.

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