4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Coupling and mutual transformation of acoustic and gravitational modes in kinematically complex flows.

10 Aug 2024, 11:50
200 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology Student Lectures (Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology)


Ia Saralidze (Free university of Tbilisi)


The purpose of the research is to study kinematically complex flows in which the bond of acoustic and gravitational modes and their mutual transformation takes place. Gravitational waves appear along with acoustic waves in a stratified fluid, which complicates the characterization of fluid motion. We described the background flow through a shear matrix of velocity gradients in order to study the coupling of gravity and acoustic wave modes and their mutual transformation. We constructed a perturbation function, using which we removed the temporal part in the full derivative of the wavenumber vector. As a result, we obtained interesting constant quantities and derived equations for the components of the wave number vector and their derivatives. On the basis of which, we derived the second-order differential equation for the wave number vector in a general form. Since we have a coupled system, the analytical solution of this equation becomes difficult. Therefore, our goal is to find specific flows, special cases, for which the differential equation can be solved analytically. At the same time, we try to numerically solve the second-order differential equation for the wave number vector. It is also our goal to graphically display the bond moments of these two wave modes, which can be achieved by choosing specific boundary conditions. In this research both two- and three-dimensional flows will be considered. Also, our perturbated flow is compressible. On the basis of this theory, we would like to talk about its application in astrophysics, for example, astrophysical currents and the rotation of stars. enter code here

Primary author

Ia Saralidze (Free university of Tbilisi)


Presentation materials