4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Mechanical Properties of Mexico

6 Aug 2024, 17:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: CMPA-P-04
Poster Computational Methods for Physics Applications Poster Sessions (Computational Methods for Physics Applications)


Alondra Mariana Plascencia Villaseñor (Universidad de Guadalajara) Miranda Mendez (Universidad de Guadalajara)


In this study we calculated the center of mass and the geometric center of México’s territory profile based on maps that represent the country’s terrain using color codes in the maps, allowing for a clear visualization of México’s topography. We wrote the code in Python to perform the calculations and obtained the country’s topographic data and land border profile from public databases.
The center of mass was determined by calculating the weighted position of all “mass” points in the national territory, considering local altitude over sea level as the mass distribution variable. On the other hand, the geometric center was calculated as the point equidistant to all edges of the country in its geometric form.

This work was undertaken with the aim of providing informative insights in science, serving both as a resource for public dissemination and as a means to delve into multidisciplinary research. Focusing on projects such as the use of neural networks in physics research, quantum computing, and economic predictions using mathematical and physical methods. Beyond its primary focus on physics, this study spans across computing, geography, and data science, allowing for a deeper understanding of how mass is distributed in a given area. The understanding of the center of mass is crucial across multiple disciplines, offering practical applications for scientific analyses and simulations in diverse fields such as computer science and physics.

Primary authors

Alondra Mariana Plascencia Villaseñor (Universidad de Guadalajara) Miranda Mendez (Universidad de Guadalajara)

Presentation materials

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