4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Thermodynamic theory of multimoded nonlinear photonic systems

5 Aug 2024, 12:50
418 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk Optics and Lasers Student Lectures (Optics and Lasers)


Alexander Shukakidze (4-th year Bachelor Student on the Physics program of Tbilisi State University)


Lately there has been a renewed interest in studying nonlinear multimoded optical systems, namely optical systems consisting of thousands of optical fibers such as high-speed communication structures. The complexity of interactions in these systems is the reason to numerous exceptional optical effects. This somewhat chaotic process has led to several theoretical challenges which we aren't capable of overcoming by using classical approaches. This work starts by deriving the discrete Schrödinger equation for such systems. Followed by a thermodynamic framework capable of describing the intricate behavior of such photonic configurations. New physical observables like the "Internal Energy" (the mean value of the propagation constant) and the "Optical Entropy" are defined. A new equation of state analogous to that of the conventional thermodynamics is obtained. It is also shown that the optical power together with the "Internal Energy" always flow with respect to the second law of thermodynamics. Lastly, laws of isentropic processes are obtained and the possibility of realizing processes similar to the Carnot Cycle in such photonic systems is presented.

Primary author

Alexander Shukakidze (4-th year Bachelor Student on the Physics program of Tbilisi State University)

Presentation materials