4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Network parameters of flaring and non-flaring active regions in the solar magnetogram

6 Aug 2024, 18:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: AAC-P-06
Poster Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology Poster Sessions (Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology)


Ms Shervin Ziaei (PHD student of Astronomy & Astrophysics)


In this research, we studied the characteristics of the graph network of a solar flaring active region (FAR) and a solar non-flaring active region (non-FAR). Our method in this research includes data pre-processing, extracting patches and their flux using the Yet Another Feature Tracking Algorithm (YAFTA), making a visibility graph (VG), calculating network parameters, and obtaining time series of network parameters for both FAR and non-FAR. In this regard, we used the data recorded by the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) at a wavelength of 6173 Å with a resolution of 0.50 ± 0.01 arcseconds. The data set related to FAR 12734 was taken at 03/08/2019 for a time period of 1 to 6 UT. This set contains 400 consecutive images with a time lag of 45 seconds and dimensions of 290 x 290 pixels. The set of non-FAR 12395 containing 480 consecutive images with the same time and spatial resolution of the FAR data set was recorded on 08/08/2015 for a time period of 18 to 24 UT. The dimensions of the data set are 610 x 610 pixels. Applying VG to the time series of the mean flux of patches in regions of interest, the network parameters show that the average degree of nodes in the FAR is higher than the non-FAR. The average energy graph for the flux of the patches in the FAR is larger than in the non-FAR. In the FAR, the average eigencentrality for the series of mean flux of the patches is negative, while for the non-FAR, this value is obtained to be positive. The degree-distributions of nodes in both FAR and non-FAR follow the power-law functions with exponents of -1.54 and -2.01 for FAR and non-FAR, respectively.

Primary author

Ms Shervin Ziaei (PHD student of Astronomy & Astrophysics)


Dr Zahra Fazel (Associate Professor) Dr Mohsen Javaherian (Assistant Professor)

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