4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Star in a jar - Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor

6 Aug 2024, 18:30
Free University of Tbilisi

Free University of Tbilisi

Board: NP-P-04
Poster Nuclear Physics Poster Sessions (Nuclear Physics)


Mr Artur Żeleźnik (Gdańsk University of Technology)


We are a group of students from Gdańsk University of Technology and want to bring thermonuclear fusion to our University by creating our own fusor. In this poster we want to share our progress on the project.

A fusor is a device designed to heat ions using an electric field to the temperature required for achieving thermonuclear fusion. This is achieved by inducing potential difference between two metal cages inside of a vacuum, which in turn causes the ions to receive lots of kinetic energy. If a gas with right molecular composition is provided then it can be used as fuel. Unfortunately it is not able to produce energy, because it requires much more power than it is capable of providing.

This poster details our construction process, challenges we have encountered, successful demonstration of electrostatic confinement mechanism by building a device capable of ionizing the gas that was left in a vacuum chamber and our future plans. Right now we are focusing on redesigning the whole setup so it will be able to provide a higher vacuum, because the vacuum we achieved is not high enough to allow fusion. Later on we want to focus on upgrading the inner cage and the system responsible for inducing the potential difference between the cages.

Primary authors

Mr Artur Żeleźnik (Gdańsk University of Technology) Mr Jędrzej Górny (Gdańsk University of Technology)


Ms Magdalena Sielaff (Gdańsk University of Technology) Ms Maja Adamus (Gdańsk University of Technology) Mr Rafał Staroszczyk (Gdańsk University of Technology)

Presentation materials

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