4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

TRIZ- Theory of inventive problem solving

7 Aug 2024, 14:30
322 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Tutorial Interdisciplinary/Other Tutorials


Aleksandra Kalmykova (IUPAP) Julia Zagurenko (IUPAP) Mikhail Tsaregorodtsev (IUPAP)


Our tutorial aims to give the students an insight into TRIZ- theory of inventive problem solving, and demonstrate its methods and practical applications. This theory, developed in the Soviet Union, covers all the principles that inventors can use in their work and allows them to find effective solutions to problems in any field of work.
The first part of our tutorial is dedicated to methods of fantasizing that allow to tune the brain to creative and critical thinking. The second part introduces the main terms and concepts of the Theory. The final part of the presentation discusses some principles of the theory of inventive problem solving using specific examples, and the audience can immediately apply the skills of invention they have acquired in practice.
As a result, the listeners of this tutorial will learn to consider any problem as inventive, come up with multiple ways to solve it, and identify the most effective (least resource-intensive) solutions.

Primary author


Presentation materials