4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

The effects of Solar Activity cycles on the asteroseismic parameters from 25 years of observations with GOLF and VIRGO on the ESA SOHO space telescope

7 Aug 2024, 12:50
200 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Talk Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology Student Lectures (Astrophysics, Astronomy, Cosmology)


Ms Sabrina Michlmayer (University of Graz)


The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) provides us with unprecedented short-cadence spectroscopic and photospheric data of the Sun-as-a-star for 27 years. Here the data from the GOLF and VIRGO/SPM instruments are used. This dataset completely covers the previous solar cycles (23 and 24) and contains the onset of the current solar cycle. The measurement of the solar activity cycle with instruments that integrate over the whole solar surface is important because then we can compare the results with asteroseismic studies of other solar-like stars on the main sequence, provided by the rich data of the space telescopes such as NASA Kepler, TESS or the forthcoming European PLATO mission.

In this talk I want to present the results of my master's thesis, where the influence on the asteroseismic parameters during the solar activity cycle was studied. We investigate the reported correlation of the shift of the radial and low-degree non-radial oscillation modes with the activity of the Sun. The level of solar activity is estimated from the SOHO time series data. Additionally, we obtain proxies for solar activity from the SILSO international sunspot number and the 10.7 cm radio flux. We extend the analysis until 2023 and provide first insights into the behavior of solar-oscillation modes in the ongoing solar cycle 25.

Primary author

Ms Sabrina Michlmayer (University of Graz)


Prof. Arnold Hanslmeier (University of Graz) Dr Paul Beck (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)

Presentation materials