4–11 Aug 2024
Free University of Tbilisi
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Introduction to COMSOL - Modelling Nanostructures

7 Aug 2024, 14:30
219 (Free University of Tbilisi)


Free University of Tbilisi

Tutorial Computational Methods for Physics Applications Tutorials


Denis Kazydub (Technical University of Munich (TUM))


This tutorial provides an introductory yet focused overview of mechanically modelling nanostructures using COMSOL Multiphysics. The session will cover basic features of COMSOL, emphasising the mechanical simulation of nanostructures. Participants will learn to navigate the user interface, create geometries, choose materials, apply meshes, and calculate properties of nanoscale structures such as a Si nanobeam and a SiN nanostring. By the end of the tutorial, participants will be equipped to apply COMSOL in their studies and research. The tutorial will also advance their understanding of nanoscale mechanical systems.

The tentative outline of the tutorial is:
1) Setting up COMSOL
2) Simulating a Si nanobeam:
* Selecting the right kind of simulation (Eigenfrequency)
* Building the geometry
* Selecting the material
* Defining the boundary conditions (both ends of the beam are fixed)
* Building the mesh
* Running the simulation & computing eigenfrequencies
* Comparing the simulated eigenfrequencies with analytical results
3) Simulating a SiN string under strain:
* Selecting the right kind of simulation (Stationary)
* Building the geometry
* Selecting the material
* Defining the boundary conditions (both ends of the beam are fixed, a side of the beam bears load)
* Building the mesh
* Running the simulation & computing the displacement
* Changing the colour scale
* Building a 1D plot of the displacement
* Adding initial stress of SiN to the simulation
* Rerunning the simulation
* Building a 2D plot of the stress
* Calculating the average stress in one direction
4) Simulating a more complex nanostructure (if there is time left)

Primary author

Denis Kazydub (Technical University of Munich (TUM))

Presentation materials